Thursday, 27 August 2020

Reciprocal Reading

We are learning to do Reciprocal Reading.
First, we have the Leader tells the predicter to tell us what they think the story is about. Then the Questioner asks us 3 questions about the story.  Then the clarifier is when they ask if any words they do not understand. Next, the summarise puts the words from the story into there own words. I am improving on the predicter and the hardest one is the questioner because I can not think of questions. 

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Vocab Activity

Our vocab activity word vast means Huge in area or seemingly endless.


Thursday, 20 August 2020

Arrays in maths

i am learning about arrays.  They are columns and rows. This is multiplication.

the way back home

I found a rocket in the dark shed, the Rocket was red and cool.  I went to space and there was an alien ship and it crashed into me. I fell off the moon but I landed on a pillow and did not know how but for some reason I did. Maybe because I put a pillow outside.  I got back up on the moon and helped the alien with his ship and  I held the rocket and the alien .I got into the roket and it up and I floated home to get more gas.  I knew that I had to go and help the alien so I did. So I went to the Moon and helped the alien find the way back home. Then I went to land and found that the alien was a parent and that it had nothing to do because he had no idea how to get back home.  Soon the alien was back at home. I had to drive the alien back home so he could see his family 
it was easy, very, very easy.So then I got some gas because  my  rocket was on five then I went back home and had lunch.
We are retelling a story about a boy who goes to space and helps an alien. It is a funny story
and the boy goes to a mysterious planet.


Thursday, 13 August 2020

Wednesday, 5 August 2020